Visits & Schools


Just wanted to say thank you so much for making us so welcome. Please pass our thanks on to the other gentlemen as well – it really is appreciated you all giving up your time. I think it is so important for our children to come and talk, especially in light of what is happening at the moment.
They also delighted us with what they remembered when we did the follow up work – so that was the icing on the cake!
I wish you well and hope to see you this time next year.

Recent school visit

The Norwich & Norfolk Muslim Association welcomes schools, friends, families and other establishments to come and visit the centre.

We regularly receive visits from schools in Norfolk to provide pupils with a brief insight into the religion of Islam in line with the national curriculum.

The visits are facilitated by two or more members of our volunteering executive committee or members of our community whereupon they give a tour of the premises followed by a projection of some educational videos describing the pillars of Islam and finish with a “Question and Answer” session. We always try to answer the questions raised to the best of our ability.

Various simple leaflets and Islamic literature are presented during the visit.

To book your visit, please contact the main office on 07533 309483 or email or contact us through our contact form

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